Friday, August 12, 2011

Bleeding/spotting with some cramping in very early pregnancy?!?

Yesterday I was spotting brown and then it turned into blood, not heavy like my period but a little more than spotting. I rested and this morning it has turned back into brown spotting and the cramps are gone, they were not very strong cramps to begin with just an uncomfortable feeling. I did call my doctor and she said that as long as I am not in severe pain and the spotting is not soaking up a pad an hour everything should be fine. Obviously I am nervous reading about miscarriages but I know some women do bleed during pregnancy. Any suggestions? Anyone else have this and go on to have a healthy baby?

Help!! What do I do if I get my period on a cruise!!!?

I am going on a cruise near the end of this month and I am scared I might get my period. My period is so irregular an it comes at the worst times. I want to go swimming, but I only know how to wear pads! What can I do. Is there something I can do to prevent it from coming (ex: stressing myself out, pills, etc)?

Diva and Divo???? please help!?

Divo is the male counterpart of diva, however, the term of metro-sexual can also be used to describe straight men who always take care to be stylish and well-groomed. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise can be consider as metro-sexual or divo.

Please read my answer to this History question:)?

A truly full explanation will not fit into the space allowed, and since you allow no means by which I can make contact outside the restricted answer space, this will be difficult at best. If I had an e-mail . . . ?

Is this a good gaming computer and video render computer? BTW Building Myself?

Yes it is okey. But regarding the processor, there aren't many softwares and games that can fully utilize six cores. Infact most of them will give you the same results as in a four core processor. So you can save a little money there (if you want). And pick a good power supply as well, like a 750 or 800 watt, to give the system the juice it needs and future proofing for crossfire. And pick a 2.1 speaker system at least. You'll feel great listening to music. I give your system 8.5 out of 10, regarding it's an AMD system.

Sears and Roebuck saddle?

I am reworking an old Sears saddle, does anyone remember if they came with sheepskin or Indian blanket padding. I know I had sheepskin put on it in the 70s but it seems like it had Indian blanket when I ordered it.

Would You not Leave if this was you?

My mother in law is driving me mad, I live with her and my husband. She has asked my co workers if I am a good employee,she has copied my current occupation. She has had my husband in tears many times, because she does not keep her promises. She gossips about us a lot, one time our neighbor approached me and asked how my job was going and how I like my new car. I have never met this woman in my life. The latest B.S. she pulled on us was talking about my brother to her neighbor and YELLING at me to apologize for asking the neighbor why certain things were said about my family to my brothers EMPLOYER!! omg do you believe this women??? do you blame me for leaving her and possibly my husband, because of her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do I do about my Daughter who's lazy and doesn't care about school?

All she does is like to shop for designer clothes and lay around on the beach (we live in Miami Beach), or be at the gym, or with friends partying. She hasn't been doing well in school at all, yet she's very pretty and very popular. She doesn't have motivation to study and focus on academics. She doesn't want to have a job. She doesn't care about college. She is simply lazy. She says she's not interested in anything unless its modeling or something glamorous. I told her that's not reliable and she needs to set a goal and needs an education. Then she said her goal will be to marry a Billionaire and be taken care of. What do I do about this girl? I'm worried about her, and her mother just spoils her, I know I have too, but now that's she's 17 I'm getting worried about her future.

What type of korean girls do korean guys like?

They like Bagel girls. You can google that. Its a new trend. They have a baby face but slim body with big boobs.

What do evolutionists think of these quotes, almost all by evolutionists?

I think that every single time you use quote mining, you associate your religion with dishonesty. Don't you guys have some kind of commandment about lying?

Acne treatment during pregnancy?

Does anyone know if its safe to use those Oxy Pads on your face when your pregnant. They smell strong like alcohol and everytime use em I try and hold my breath.. I need REAL intelligent answers not opinions pleasee

Is there a better way to put this paragraph , does it sound strange?

After learning a bit more about the suffering these animals go through , you will realize their pasts aren't as glamorous as the shows they present.

Which out of these would be best for Prom?

I think D would look really nice and would look good with your skin tone and hair, its a really nice dress

Guys: what turns you on? ;)......?

What do you like in a girl? Be honest, & detailed! What things about a girl catch your attention? Do you like them to be "hot" or do you prefer "cute'? Kinky, or sweet? Always prim and perfect or loose and carefree? Everything and anythingg! Ohh, and : Graceful or clumsy? Mysterious or open? Wild and crazy or cool and collected? Super smart or ditzy? Natural or glamorous? Sweet & sensitive or hardcore and doesnt show much emotion? Pleeeasseeee hellp a sistaaaa outttttt :) hahhaha

Ughh i have acne. help me?

i dont have traditional red and white acne i have skin colored bumps (whiteheads) and blackheads. lately i read tht you shouldnt mix product lines bc they may not go together so im looking into investing in a new product line. i was thinking neutrogenas acne stress relief line bc it got great reviews. Any opinions? anyway my main question was that im seeing alot about treament pads and i was wondering where do they fit into the cleanser-toner-moisturizer routine and which products should i buy from the product line bc i dont want to buy all of them bc i know i wont use all of them. thanks!<3

A glamourous packing list for hawaii?

im going to hawaii in a month and its going to be sooo luxe and glam and i want a packing list of glamourous must haves(: im a teenager and price doesnt matter thanks!!! im a girl too.

Do I even have a shot at getting into Princeton?

Sorry to tell you but this wont cut it. No passion in an area. Just normal crap. Very average high schooler with a little good grades mediocre sats and not suficient honors. You have to go to infinity and beyond to get in , and with just this ur not getting in guaranteed.

Not to make you jealous but this is a typical day in my life ... I feel I am a role model for women on GS ----?

That was the most pointless post I've ever seen. Thank you for lowering my and the entire world wide web's IQ by several points.

Your problems with democratic socialism?

When many people think of socialism, they think of the soviet union or communist china. these societies were authoritarian, which nobody wants, be it capitalist or communist; so what's the problem with a socialism that implements democracy? Many also believe that socialism and communism are one in the same, this however is untrue because with socialism, one still has the freedom to become wealthy, to own his/her own business, and to work any occupation he or she chooses. Many dislike socialism because of the taxes that come with it, saying that it is stealing their money. But is that how you feel about your taxes being spent on roads, schools, libraries, police, and fire departments? One thing I find very strange about these people is that they don't mind a child having a free education from a public school, but for some reason they dislike that same child going to a doctor when her parents can't afford it themselves. So my question is, what are your problems with democratic socialism?

What theme should I do.?

The Damsel in Damask ones are probably the best ones for the classy, vintage look you want. I personally liked the blue ice which you didn't mention in your list. But out of the colors you chose, I would go with silver first and the grape second.


No paragraph development whatsoever. No transitions, or separation of thoughts. wow that was pretty bad. Intro needs work and there is no Conclusion at all. the info is there but actually write an essay instead of just pittng down thoughts. Change up word choices and scentence beggining and structure. I think the info is a little bit bland. Addsomething to entice the reader...

How to ask my dad for swordplay classes?

I have always had a fascination (well, perhaps more of a fanaticism) with swords and swordplay. I have collected many and learned a great deal of them. My dad was recently laid off, but in actuality, it was great, because he got six checks, putting him at roughly 5.2 grand, and he has so many job offers and people who want him, he will be back in a better business by Tuesday. So that is where opportunity comes in. I have taken some swordplay classes, but they were far too commercial, and didn't even offer adequate equipment. Classes are very cheap on average, since they are traditionally taught by masters as volunteer work - not their real occupation. The equipment however, is not (let's say a bogu (armor) to start with, at roughly $650, that being the major obstacle). So, given this, how would I go about asking to start formal training?

Guys: what turns you on? ;) Curioussss?

Be honest, & detailed! What things about a girl catch your attention? Do you like them to be "hot" or do you prefer "cute'? Kinky, or sweet? Always prim and perfect or loose and carefree? Everything and anythingg! Ohh, and : Graceful or clumsy? Mysterious or open? Wild and crazy or cool and collected? Super smart or ditzy? Natural or glamorous? Sweet & sensitive or hardcore and doesnt show much emotion? Pleeeasseeee hellp a sistaaaa outttttt :) hahhaha

Does it matter where i am from?

Definitely doesn't matter. Where whatever you want! If you walk out on the street wearing your fashionable clothes, no one can tell what you're family income is. It's all about how you project yourself. Where you come from is a part of you, but it doesn't define you. Be who you want to be!

What clothes would you pack for Vegas?

Cute bathing suits like uh 3? Cute crop tops tank jeans dresses not too formal and skirts check forever 21 charlotte russe papaya etc

Can someone make my photo thinner and more glamorous?

I have a photo of me in jr high graduation its adorable I just want my belly to be tucked in cause I was cute but had a bit of a belly. Please make it look clear its not blurry but more clear and glamorous. My email is or just give me your email to edit :)

Which are better: tampons or menstrual cups?

After reading the benefits of menstrual cups they seem so much better than tampons. I'm really surprised that they are not more popular. The only thing I am iffy about is how big the cups are, even the smaller ones. They look SO big. I'm 14 almost 15, virgin, hymen still intact, sensitive and tight vagina, never tried a tampon before, moderately heavy flow. I think I might try tampons first then maybe try the menstrual cups. What do you think? What type of cup would be best for me that's on the inexpensive side? What tampons would be good for me? Please give me good feedback - I'm sick of pads.

Is this a true one or scam?

That's a Nigerian scam. I've seen at least 50 other letters referencing the same plane crash and same type of situation. Stuff like that is always a scam.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is it bad that I don't have any after high school plans?

I just graduated, and I was just like you, but I can honestly say that I changed my mind about what I wanted to do probably about 15 times. Get good grades in high school, like a 3.5 or more so that you can have the option to go where ever and not be shut out because of grades. Also remember to have fun though, don't be the kid who only devotes themselves to school. Colleges look for well rounded kids, join a sport or some clubs. Other than that you don't need to figure out what you want to do, you are still young, you still have time.

How is hotel management?

Yes it is glamorous Yes it pays High BUT to get into a good job you sure need to be in top ranks in your degree programme. if you are not then you may have to toil a lot

Why do Thai people get so judgemental when people from other countries make their food?

I am serious, I am so sick and tired of Thai people being so judgemental when people from other countries make their food. My wife is American and she can good great Thai food. However, Thai people want to dwell on the ingredients until they find something to gripe about. I could have a Thai person make pad thai and then put in on the kitchen table and lie and say my wife made it and then Thai people would say it is not authentic. They seem to equate "not authentic" as anything made by someone who is not a Thai. Honestly, some Thai people have no idea about their food. All they do is go get the food from a food stall, they don't even cook, well most of them don't.

What are the best tampons, pads, and liners to use?

Just an oppinion.. Also I can't find any liners with wings??? are they out there? where do you find them? what brand?

Is what you see in porn movies anything like the way you have sex?

I don't know about hetero couples, but lesbian sex on the internet is far from reality, too glamorous, too much botox, but nice to watch most of the time.

How to convince my mom to go natural?

My mom said i go natural when i graduate, but i just dont want to wait! She thinks ill look like a run away slave or a wild child. She thinks since no one in our family got good hair, mine will be nappy and terrible. But im tired of relaxers, they make sores in your head, they can clean pipes with the stuff in relaxers. Also im done with worring about wrapping it or sweating it out. It take time out of my day. It actually strips yotr hair of healthy-ness. Causes hair breakage, EVERYTHING! Well i dont want it 'fried dyed and laid to the side'. Not saying im gonna go around with a afro, but i want it curly and when i show her a picture of it, my moms all, oh thats weave, or they can do that with a curling iron, or that looks nappy. Like my ideal hair, is big and full like Diana Ross (even though that was a wig or weave or something) blowing in the wind, all big and glamorous. I know various curling methods. And i gave her reasons why and shes all wait till your 17. How do i convince her to do it sooner. Also im kinda iffy about the big chop, any info?

What is the best way to sleep/position to sleep in, when on your period?

I obviously don't want to get blood all over me blankets and sheets. I can't use tampons since I sleep more than 8 hours (I tried but my doctor told me to stop) so I use pads. Right now I try to sleep on my side, but it's really uncomfortable, especially when I get cramps. Any advice?

Given the choice, which celebrity would you like to be like?

I would like to be a combination of many. I would like to be as intelligent and successful as Bill Gates, as beautiful as Catherine Zeta Jones, as glamorous as the Kardashians, as rich as... well I don't know just rich....I would give a lot to charity though.

Stomach cramps BAD?!?

Im 13 and on my period.Im bleefing very heavily(bleeding through 2 pads in 30 min)My stomach hurts so bad,what can i do to ease/stop it?(Ps cant go to store to get stuff to help)

A word starting with the letter 'O' to describe the art deco movement?

I'm wanting to spell out Art Deco, using words that actually represent or describe the movement and various works inspired by it. But i'm really stuck as to what word to out for O. To help with those not familiar with the movement, it was rather elegant, stylish and glamorous.

Any Knuckle Tattoos Out There? ?

I want to get a knuckle tattoo but it's not definite yet. I have to figure out my future occupation first, but if I get one I was wondering about the pain. It'll be on the eight of my knuckles and it's going to be read vertically. So any knuckle tattoos out there?

I need to help a hurt bird fast!!?

It's a very small bird that just got attached by my cat. There are NO wounds. But the legs seem to be paralyzed. The wings work. It's breathing very hard. I put it in a plastic tub with a towel in the bottom for padding. My parents say they don't want to take in to rehab. They said it's to much hastily for every bird our cat hurts. HELP!!! WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP IT NOW??? ANYTHING!!

What is with this email?, is it a scam?

I get like 2 of these kinds of mails in a day. They are fake, once i got tired of these emails and asked a bad question to one, he never replied. Now i just reply them withquestions to try to prove its a scam.

I am addicted to cocaine and don't know what to do?

I tried it two years ago.... Then did it maybe once every few months socially then moved out on my own with a roommate and started doing it on weekends then more and more and now I find myself spending hundreds a week on it. Im not even religious and i prayed for hours to find a way to quit and 2 days later i bought half a gram. Worst thing is that it's so easily available to me with about 5 dealers in my area. I find myself doing it daily and the worst part about coke is that it's a psychological addiction on top of addiction to the euphoria. I'm scared and truley want to be done with it. I am however too scared to go to family vecause it would kill them inside because i was raised souch better than this. I already know that eventually people overdose and can be fatal but please don't remind me of this because that only scares me more. I just need ideas besides rehab to quit. The idea of doing it and being like a celebrity or these models doing it make me want to do it more. I see them on tv and on magazines doing coke and then I go buy some and feel amazing. I am not even 21 yet. I know it's not too late to quit and get back on track but the idea of some glamourous lifestyle turned out to be a gross classless road to nowhere. I just need some ideas on how to motivate myself to quit.

Is it unrealistic for me to want to be a dancer on Broadway someday?

I'm 13 and have always wanted to be a dancer on Broadway, I know it's not as glamorous as most people seem to think it is and I know it doesn't pay that well. I just want to do it because I love dance and performing for people. I dance 15 hours a week altogether (4 ballet classes, 1.5 hours each; 2 pointe classes, 45 minutes each; 2 jazz classes, 1.5 hours each; and 3 modern classes, 1.5 hours each. ) I also have some acting abilities, but I can't sing very well. I'd be willing to try to work on that though. Do I have any chance of becoming a dancer on Broadway?

Is it true: "Will Marry" is better than "Married"?

Many people seem to regret marrying just a few months or years after their glamorous celebrations. Is it true that we get into marriage so happy but then find it boring?

What if I get my first period at summer camp?

Tell your mom, she will take you to buy a pack of pads, also get ultra slim tampons if you want to go swimming. You might wanna take a bottle of tylenol if you have cramps. If you are worried, tell your camp counselor or the camp nurse and they will help you :)

Whats the point of filter pads?

Wouldn't be better to have the filter running with out any pads and change 10-20% of the water every other week? It seems like the pads are only good to hold the waste that needs to be removed from the tank

How can I prevent having a shaky finger after using a laptop finger pad?

after using my laptop (scrolling on finger pad) or using my ipod touch my fore finger has started shaking by itself from time to time. How can I stop/prevent this

What kind of model would be best for me?

Ok, I am started to get into modeling but before I tell my mom I have to find out what exactly what I am doing. I am a girl who is 11 years old, I am almost 5'. I have honey or sandy blonde hair ( depends on lighting ) and hazel eyes. I have full lips and straight white teeth. i have those cute tiny freckles on my nose, but you can't see them from over 3 feet away. I am partially tan. Great at posing, singing, and acting. I am 103lbs. And would love to be a model with glamorous costumes, and stuff. I am not stuck-up, and I am bubbly, up-beat, loves to be around people, and I have a pretty great smile!!! And how do you think I should tell my mom what i want to do? I would really be nice for some advice thanks! And i know it that its alot of hard work and commitment, but i am willing to do anything for it. Bye!!!

Anyone emigrated from the UK to Australia?

Hiya I'm currently a mental health nursing student in the UK (london) and I will be qualified in 3 years time. Moving to & working in Australia has always been a dream of mine & I'm determined to make that happen. I was just wondering how do I go about it? Anyone who has done this whether as a nurse or another occupation? I know its early but 3 years goes by quick & its good to start looking into these things, I have looked online but require additional info. Oh I also have a child who will be 11 years once I qualify just in time to start high school and I'm interested in moving to Melbourne or Perth, Sidney is another option.

Brides: Should I wear my watch, or no?

Wearing your watch is inappropriate for this kind of an occasion. Since you feel lost without your watch, I would leave the watch off, but if you are just used to the feel of it being there, get a bracelet to put in its place for the time being. Then, when you are done with the ceremony and festivities and everything, put your watch back when you change out of your dress at the end of the day.

Boa constrictor tank set up?

150 watt is too, too hot, especially for the snake to curl under and def too much for a tank that size, no place for the snake to get away from the heat, they need coolness and darkness just as much as basking time. Like all reptiles, they need at least 85% to get them in the mood to eat and they also need the heat to digest. Turn on at day break, off at night fall

Having Sex For The First Time Two Days Before My Period?

So I'm going to have sex for the first time tomorrow but I'm supposed to start my period Wednesday. There are days where I start a little earlier than my calendar says. I'm just wondering if this is a good idea or not? I just started getting a little crampy today and my face was broken out yesterday. Usually I get crampy 2 or 3 days before I start my period but I know that sometimes when I masturbate with a toy it can cause me to start my period. I'm wicked excited for tomorrow since all day tomorrow is going to be great. I just dont want to start my period right in the middle of having sex. Should I try it and see what happens and bring along some pads and tampons? Also any tips on ways to maybe delay it a little without taking birth control?

Can I get hired at a very expensive five star Restaurant with no experience?

I don't have any experience being a Waiter. But I'm in university and want a job and I really want something more upscale and glamourous. I'm good looking. Can I get hired at a top five-star restaurant in Los Angeles with no experience?

Teenage tea party ideas?

You need a proper teapot and preferably china cups, with saucers. A variety of cakes such as chocolate and carrot cake and some little cup cakes as well. and cucumber sandwiches!

Spilled milk on my mouse pad.?

Put rice into a plastic bag and stick the keyboard in it...... (the side thats broken) and then you would leave it in there for 1-2 weeks and it will probablyabsorb the milk !!!!! It worked with my ipod! Hope it helps and good luck!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anyone have experience with this injury?

I don't think this would constitute and emergency since he is not bleeding or seemingly having any problems. I would just keep it wrapped, clean and dry. If your yard is muddy or you have puddles, you can put a baggie on this foot with a rubber band for a short time while he goes outside to eliminate so no moisture or dirt gets into the bandaged area. Next time you go shopping, go out and buy some Betadine Solution. This is great for cleaning wounds such as this as you should not use Peroxide to clean a wound such as this. Have a safe 4th yourself, and Thank You for serving our country. (I read your profile)

Why all the anti-virus software have fancy user interface?

The anti-viral software (for Windows at least) don't compete for better functionality anymore, but for fancier interface. Does fancy, shiny, glamorous and sometimes unfriendly controls mean that they can operate their primary functions better?

What clothes and accessories should i wear with this shoe?

In my opinion a really frilly-spring/summer looking dress. Or skinny jeans or leggings with a frilly shirt or tanktop whichever you prefer. Haha.

Why are sun glasses characteristic of hollywood stars?

Well, when someone thinks of a super star, people picture someone beautiful in glamorous gowns and cool sunglasses... Where did the sun glasses thing come from? :

Irregular period!!!!! HELP!!!?

Okay so my period is ALWAYS irregular. It never comes 21 days apart and the last two times it's been SUPER heavy!! Last night I bled through my pad , though my underwear and through my double layered bball shorts. I don't know how to tell my mom I need to see a doctor and what are they gonna do to me there??? HELP PLEASE!!! Thanks.

Which sciences should I take?

I'm going to be in gr.11 next year and I am offered 3 science courses, but only want to take 2. I am offered chemistry20, biology20, and physics20. I don't like math because it takes me a long time to finish but I know I'll need to use it in these courses. I do have over an 80 average in school. I am thinking about doing something like therapy, or something to do with health, but most likely have an occupation with MUSIC in the future. which courses should I take?

What's the best way to get rid of growing pains?

I have real bad pains in my lower left leg, and is there any other way to help get rid of it other than using heats pads? :)

I need advice, quickly please?

My name is Tyler... I'm 25 and I currently work at Wal-Mart in the clothing department. Sure, it's not the most glamorous job, but I'm doing my best. I've been struggling with this ever since middle school to be honest. I need your help, now more then ever. A few months back, a new guy started working here in the same department. He's the first openly gay person I've met, and I can't stop thinking about him. I've been having these kind of crushes and "problems" ever since first grade at the least when I had a crush on a boy. I'm so embaressed. My parents and entire family are devout Christians... and they aren't exactly "open" to my feelings. I don't really have any friends, and as I said, talking to my parents is out of the question until I fess up to them. I need to tell my parents that I am, putting it blatantly, gay. I've been putting this off since High School when I finally came to terms with who I am. I need advice on how to do it though... and I also need advice on how to ask this guy out. Please. All I'm asking for is advice.

How to get into politics (Age 15)?

Hey, I'm age 15 and I'm trying to geet into politics. What classes should you take in highschool and what things should you do in your community to get better prepared for the occupation? Also what subjects and/or people should you learn about?

Is it true: "Will Marry" is better than "Married"?

Many people seem to regret marrying just a few months or years after their glamorous celebrations. Is it true that we get into marriage so happy but then find it boring?

Pools for local Las Vegans?

I live in Vegas and my family in PA thinks it's very glamorous and thinks we must spend the hot summer days lounging by resort pools. Well, we don't. They're coming to visit and really want to lounge by a resort pool. Where can I take them? Who will allow us to access to the pool without staying in the hotel? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I want to show them a good time without spending a fortune!

What is the profession or occupation called for people who research cures etc.?

I just want to know what the occupation or profession is. Like the who sit in labs and test and who research possible cures. . .

In your opinion whats better pads or tampons?

I use pads but i've tried tampons and i had some trouble and gave up but im just wondering if i shuld try again?! Got any advice for me?? :)

I don't understand when people mean show not tell?

They mean make it like a liquid so it flows smoothly off the toungue not like they stood by the wall. The ballroom was decorated.

Guys would you treat a girl differently?

If a girl is usually glamorous but has some casual down days and you see her with a baseball cap etc would you treat her differently?

HELP!! brown discharge and spotting my whole period.?

im 18 and my periods are usually pretty heavy for about 3-4 days. i started my period off with a dark brown discharge and started bleeding lightly after that for about 4 or 5 more days. (changing a pad was never neccessary).

I have really oily skin which I think is the cause if my spots?

My cheeks are normal but my forehead,nose and chin (not so much my chin) are very oily. My mum has the same thing, and she thinks my spots will go but I really want them to go now. I use a beutrogina blackhead and spot treating facewash twice day and use grease lightning from lush, tea tree water from lush, and clearasil pads and night cream, and they won't go. The redness goes down sometimes but it always comes back. I'm 13 btw. I also pop my spots pretty much every night. Should I stop? Can anyone recommend any products? Thanks

Is it normal to have a heavy flow the first tome you get your period?

I've had to go through 5 or 6 pads today is that heavy flow? And if so is that normal of a first period

Was Israel a mistake?

Israel was a very bad mistake made by Britain and other Western European countries. The Balfour Declaration, a statement of policy by the British government, gave impetus to the whole ugly affair, and paved the way for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. That mistake has resulted in 70 years of conflict that could have been avoided had the mistake never been made.

Should USA have a non-interventionist policy?

I whole-heartedly agree with you. We have strayed so far from our original form that we have become that which we were meant to escape from in the beginning.

The right to defend themselves?

Do people who live under an illegal military occupation (as stated by the international community and UN) have a right to defend themselves?

I just got a new laptop and i have been having some problems with my touch pad help?

I just bought a new Dell laptop and my mouse (when i use the touch pad) sometimes doesnt want to move. Like it will go really slow and when i tap my finger on it (to click on something) it will take a little while for it to work. I turned my touch pad sensitivity to the lightest setting possible and it didnt seem to help. If i restart my computer the problem goes away but i would really like to know if there is another way i could fix it. Thanks.

How do you type words into a saved document?

if you have a document saved in your documents on your computer how do you type words into that document. I dont know how to move the document to word pad.

Uncontrollable cursor?

I have a Dell Latitude E4310, and the cursor is continuously shooting to either the top right or the bottom left corner of the screen. This happens if I am using the touch pad on its own or if I have an external mouse plugged into the machine, also if I disable the touch pad when the mouse is plugged in to the machine. is there anything that can be done to fix this problem? thanks.

Heavy brown stuff the day after my period?

I had unprotected sex on June 20th. He didn't cuum. The only thing there was a little bit of precum. I was really stressed last month so that could be the reason my period was late. I was supposed to get my period on June 17th but I got it on June 27th. It was a normal heavy period with cramps that I always get around my period. Yesterday I realized I had a lot of heavy brown stuff on my pad... When I went pee, red stuff came out (period). But today when I wiped, there was a lot of this brown stuff and no period blood. I usually get light brown discharge after my period but this stuff was dark brown and heavy. Is it normal?

A word starting with the letter 'O' to describe the art deco movement?

I'm wanting to spell out Art Deco, using words that actually represent or describe the movement and various works inspired by it. But i'm really stuck as to what word to out for O. To help with those not familiar with the movement, it was rather elegant, stylish and glamorous.

I leave my tampons in for ore then 8 hours, how bad is that? do you do it?

Its not a good idea, you're better off wearing a large overnight pad when you sleep and change your tampon every 4 hours during the day. Especially leaving it in there for any length of time is unsanitary and could cause infection. Change it more often and if you don't want to have to do that, wear a pad instead.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can anyone be/become glamorous/classy without being seen as fake/wannabe?

yes, but your personality has to match up for you not to be seen as a fake. you have to have everything including classy look, good clothes, air of confidence, and classy personality.

Is there a medical school that has fields in veterinary and neurosurgery?

My friend and I both want to go to medical school but for different occupations is there a school that has both?

Just wondering what are the effects of alcohol?

It has all of the effect that she said up there, but it can do harm to your throat/voice and give you wrinkles/make you age faster. Don't worry they are living the best years of their lives and it is almost senior year! Keep your head up!

Can I Wear A Pad If Im On A Slipping Slide Of A Water Balloon Fight?

Im Not Going Swimming, But Can I Wear A Pad And Go On A Slipping Slide Or Have A Water Balloon Fight? Because Im At The End Of My Period And I Think If I Used A Tampon It Might Become A Problem. Please And Thank Your Your Answers/Replies.

Is this a good career option for me?

Off the top of my head, I can name no less than 10 of my friends who'd studied in air traffic control and unable to get a job. Do you know how many students graduate from the course every year and how many airports built every year? Your option is there but the chance for getting hired is very slim.

My dogs paw pads are all scraped up?

Last week he got loose and his paws are all messed up and red. We've been putting hydrogen peroxide on them but they aren't getting any better. We don't know what to do. Should we take him to the vet?

Siblings close in age, middle child obsessed with "beauty" question?

In my opinion it seems as though the middle daughter may have low self-esteem issues and/or jealous of her two sisters. Jealousy can make people very nasty, so her rudeness may come from jealousy. It could be quite difficult for the daughter in question especially if in the teenage years. Society today is so image orientated.

Extreme phobia of gynecologists?

They are there to help you. Be thankful that they are willing to help you with your "girlie parts".

Bleeding/spotting with a little cramping during very early pregnancy!?

hello, I just recently found out I was pregnant I don't know how far along I am as my appointment is not until the 11th but yesterday I was spotting brown and then it turned into blood, not heavy like my period but a little more than spotting. I rested and this morning it has turned back into brown spotting and the cramps are gone, they were not very strong cramps to begin with just an uncomfortable feeling. I did call my doctor and she said that as long as I am not in severe pain and the spotting is not soaking up a pad an hour everything should be fine. Obviously I am nervous reading about miscarriages but I know some women do bleed during pregnancy. Any suggestions? Anyone else have this and go on to have a healthy baby?

I got my first period yesterday and I've got some questions?

Hi I know what you feel like and what you're going through, but just take it easy ! Don't stress over it too much. I really don't recommend you use a tampon bc it hurts when you take them out and to be honest pads are a lot easier and comfortable than tampons. By the way you can't leave in a tampon for more than 4 hours bc then it will release a chemical that is bad for you ! But to make it easier just buy wet wipes and when ever you go to the bathroom and its time to change a pad, you know what to do and no don't use tampons :) hope this helped

How can i get this hair? (pic)?

a href=",r:6,s:0&biw=1024&bih=530" rel="nofollow"…/a

Will she be a good mother?

My EX girlfriend Aubrey is pregnant with my baby. She is a stripper and my parents told me she will be a good mother because strippers don't make good mothers. She told me she is so excited and can't wait to be a mother. She is still stripping and that's why we broke up i want her to quit. I do love her and she loves me. She is a good person despite her occupation she is honest loyal loving and caring. She is living with me and I'm considering getting back together will she be a good mother?

I need serious help.. please read?

ok im going to be stright with you here because i've been in a sort of similar situation. GET OUT! leave the guy. im sorry hun but hes toxic. and to the extream. this guy plays mind games with you and wants you to think that his love is the only love you'll ever have. its not so. Im sure a beautiful person such as urself will find someone better than him. it sounds to me like he convinced you to have thoes abortions because he knew he wasn't ready to be a daddy but was sure ready for sex! thing is he was never going to take responsability and help you along the way. and when ur whole family found out he knew he was in hot water so he lied and made it seem like YOU were the evil mastermind insted of HIM. my best advice is to go aginst what ur family says and be your own person. go to college, get ur degree for teaching and be sure to tell your dad who you are and your not someone he can push around. just because ur a woman doesn't mean your beneith him. good luck dear, i know its hard but life is too....we all try the best we can.

Its my friends birthday this month 20th!! :S (PLEASE ANSWER!)?

Me and this friend and a bunch of others have be close friends for some time now and recently we began buying each other things for our birthdays! She will turn 14 on the 20th and i really want to buy her something nice. She's into jewellery but my other friend is getting her a necklace already! I don't want to buy her something expensive, just something nice, not too cheap though.... I'm going to get her a card of course but that isn't enough obviously! What should i get her! Nothing inappropriate for her age, something that she likes.... She's a glamorous girl, and i DO NOT want to get her jewellery! Any good suggestions!

Will a boring career benefit you more than a glamorous career?

"Boring" degrees may be more valued but it has to be about you. You have to ask yourself, will you able to cope in a job that you are not interested in? If so then great, but I know for sure that I would end up resenting my work which will simultaneously reduce my performance. So to answer your question, a boring career will not make me benefit from it.

Rash? Please help by answering this.?

I started my period last month and I got a really bad rash (It's red, and has bump like blisters on it on the outer part of my vagina), I'm assuming from the pads, but the rash hasn't gone away and it's almost been three weeks. Do you think it'd because I've been irritating it? I'm really scared, and I don't know what it is. Do you think it's curable? Maybe a yeast infection? Please answer. It seems to be getting better because it hasn't been itching like it was a couple days ago, should I go to the doctor right away? (I don't really want to) Or should I wait a couple days and see if it starts to go away? Again please answer.

I got this from yahoo?

Well this sure looks like a scam to me yahoo does not in no way send out crap like this send it to yahoo go here to this link to send it to yahoo abuse team. a href=""…/a

Who can find me cheapest car insurance? Easy 10 points? - I got this car insurance for my kids. This company usually can provide cheapest insurance rates for first time drivers and teenagers.

What should i play in football?

im 13 years old i am 190 lb and kinda run fast cant throw or catch that good i was worndering what to play its my first year and im playing for school it say they give helmet but do they give pads to.

What is Steve Wozniak's occupation?

The Woz is chief scientist at Fusion-IO, a job he has held since 2009. He also still puts in a bit of time at Apple according to sources.

How could I make a living doing this?

I am an extensive interest in extraterrestrial studies, a little in the paranormal and I am an avid writer. I was thinking perhaps I could write for the newspaper or something, or possibly having a radio show or something. What do you guys think? What are all the occupations you can think of that I could incorporate these three things into? As I am an not the most eloquent with speaking, the radio show might not be that great. I could also be a metaphysical teacher maybe? I don't know. Bring me your ideas!!! Please. :)

Hi AMERICANS. Hello from kashmir. Why obama cheated us?

Kashmir dispute is the long pending dispute between india and pakistan. Pakistan and kashmiris consider indian occupation as illegal. India is refusing to carry out plebiscite here declared by unsc resolution 47. Obama has promised during his election campaign that he will solve kashmir dispute if he gets elected. But why he later refused.

Which direction should I go with my story?

I guess you could say it's a love story, but I don't plan on the love part occurring until the very end when the characters actually meet. One of the characters who I've already developed is a girl who lives on the rich and glamorous outskirts of LA and whose dad is a prominent and well known director. She wants out of her hollywood crazed life. The other character (a male) is going to live in New York (not in the city). I had originally planned for his family to be financially unstable and him trying to get a scholarship into medical school, but I wasn't sure if the whole rich girl meets poor boy thing has been overdone. I then considered making him also from a relatively wealthy family but still smart and striving for academic success, while helping his peers through tutoring and charity work and such. Which do you think would be a more interesting story?

Help this out...medical job?

what are the best occupations( from best i mean having really gud salary ) in medical line except doctors..??

How do I get this annoying racist girl to leave me alone?

This girl wont leave me alone. She makes fun of me because Im mixed, my mom is Puerto
Rican and my dad is black and mixed with white, she makes all these jokes calling me a piece of sh**t and talking about how the UK is better and that shes all glamorous up there. shes keeps saying that I live in texas so I have to catch what I eat and etc, and she keeps saying she has a life but she wont leave me alone .All these insults telling people that I eat dog and saying that Im a ******* and all of this is NOT true. She keeps getting on my nerves and no one likes her because shes racist, but she bothers me mostly because she knows it really bothers. Ive tried ignoring her but shes still doing the same thing. How do I get her to leave me alone?

LAPD Appeal Denied - What Now?

I have a question regarding what happens after the review panel has seen an appeal and denies it. Let me give some insight as how I got to this point. I have been going through the hiring process with LA City since Dec 09, experiencing various delays along the way but I remained dedicated to the process. I have been successful throughout the entire process up until my psych interview when it was determined that I neglected to mention a previous work injury (approx 10 years ago) during my medical evaluation. My medical appointment was before I even had a sit down meeting with my BI, so from a medical standpoint I don't even think of this injury simply because it has been non issue for almost 9 years. When I met with my BI I did disclose the work injury to account for time out of work and workers comp payments received. The Background department checked into the injury and my claim against my previous employer and deemed it to be legitimet and cleared me from the background process. My medical exam went flawlessly, they would have never known I had the injury if I didn't mention it; I passed all aspects of their testing components. As a result, I appealed this decision to remove me from the process; they based their initial decision on a concern of my integrity. With my appeal I submitted approx 13 letters of recommendation / referrence from friends in various occupations ranging from police officers to doctors and city attorneys - there was even one from the Govenor's office. My oversight of mentioning this work injury during my medical process was not an intention to decieve in any way, it just is something that is far from my mind - medically speaking. Perhaps if I had the interview with my BI first it would have been more in the front of my mind since I disclosed it to them. Ok, here's my question - if the appeal was denied how do you keep fighting? I'm a firm believer that if something is worth having it is absolutely worth fighting for. I'm fighting for my career and a better life for my family so I have every incentive to push as much as I can. The interesting part about this is the background department is on my side, they believe this to be a technicality that medical services decided to blow up unnecessarily. I'm willing to do whatever, write to whoever, I just need some advise and direction. Any help anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and help.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Help, I need to buy a cooling pad for my laptop. I don't know which to buy?

Prices range from $5 to $70. And I don't know which brand to buy. I don't want to waste my money, so if you are an expert and know which ones are best and bought some plz tell me! And how much you bought it. Thanks.

What do celebraties do when theyre on there period?

as for actors.. like do they still act? do they have other people go and get them pads and or tampons? or do they go to the store and get them on there own? would it be like awkward for them or something? im just wondering..

My dogs paw pad is torn! What do I do?

We were playing frisbee with her in the street (I live on a dead end - no cars) and we do this often and weve never had any problems, but she was limping so I took a look at her foot and she had the top layer of skin peeling off. It wasn't bleeding, but I assume shes in pain because of the limping so I put her in her crate. How to I help her? Theres no blood and it doesn;t look like a cut or scrape or anything.

Can I wear a tampon overnight?

My flow slows down a lot when I sleep. It's only when I move does it leak! I hhaatttee pads and I havent worn one in my life! I was think that since I go to bed at like 11:30 that I could put it in then, but I usually don't wake up till like 10 the next day, now that's its summer break! So maybe I could set my alarm for about 5 in the morning and change it. It doesn't bother me to wake up. I fall asleep easy anyways. Usually I only need to wear a tampon about 2 nights because then my flow starts to get so light that when I sleep it doesn't leak or anything! So can I wear a tampon? Thanks!!

How to lose weight fast!?

Im a cheerleader and recently i have been demoted from the occupation of a flyer because im not light enough to be in an extension so i need to lose weight. I've tried everything, The Eat Clean Diet, Vegetarion, working out all the time but nothing works. Please answer my question and help me lose weight extremely fast, thank you!

I want your opinion :)?

Dont stress too much about it, let things flow as they are and something always comes along. If u dont like doing something then dont do it, however if u need to do something to move on as in higher up the ladder or to get somewhere then u must do it. To be honest getting a uni degree is just a formality in todays world, u can get a degree in accounting and still be considered on par with a person who has a degree in management for a management position in a company. It all comes down to experience and exposure and best way to do so is to dabble in many things, otherwise u will never really know if theres something out there that u may like. In terms of a fun job, it depends on what u like however try looking into interning for alcohol or beer companies, there line of work diverges into tasting, promotions, events , marketing and so on.

Which career is better, nurse or air stewardess?

I've been thinking which career I should pick, I'm 20 years old and have completed both a pre-nursing course and airline course but still don't know which job I prefer. I've gone to a few cabin crew interviews but didn't get through and I'm starting to give up on it now as its not as glamorous as it was in the 60s and most of the airline staff seem to be very snobbish and fake while on the nursing side I only worked in a nursing home and I absolutely hated it and I never got to work in a hospital therefore I don't know what its like to be a real nurse. I've got to pick a career and stick with it as I cant keep doing courses forever so I'm taking the summer to think about it, so guys any advice would be extremely helpful as I cant figure out what to do.

I feel worthless and ugly?

looking back from the pictures at prom my friends look all glamorous and stunning, i just wanted to feel special for one night but htey all looked better. I feel i dont play a important role in life im jusr average average looks average personality and i feel boring it looks like evryone else is having more fun. The boy i like gave hints or maybe i just read to much that he liked me i started to fall badly for him now hes got a girlfriend and i cant watch them together it makes me feel like dying im not clever or talented in anyway so overall im a crap person maybe im nice and polite but where does that get you in life?

How do you deal with people?

This schooling is only temporary. Focus on your studies and so you can get scholarships to help pay for college. Don't worry about popularity. Be yourself. Be nice, but it is fine to also be reserved and to be a loner who is interested in other things besides boys and fashion and whatever else. Also, there are a lot of girls in high school who are also not into the popularity bit but are just passing through to get start on an education and move on in life. You can be friends with each other at school without becoming deeply involved in each other's lives otherwise. Also, join a club or something, you meet people there in smaller environment and start to grow social courage and connections.

I need a fake celebrity name?

Its for a school project the celebrity is female and she is into fitness and sport. It Just needs to sound realistic but glamourous x

What's so cool about having an eating disorder?

Apparently having your hair fall out, your teeth rot, nails break, skin turn pale, organs fail etc. is attractive. Nothing says hot like osteoporosis and infertility. I've had an eating disorder for four years and I'm behind two years in school, and missed out on being a normal teenager because of it. I still have horrible indigestion, and struggle with accepting the weight I'm at now. I've been in the hospital twice for over three months each and I still have bad days. I really have no idea how anyone could want this...sure you can lose weight (though it's more common with bulimia to maintain or gain) but you still feel fat no matter what and risk your life, and sacrifice your childhood/ adolescence in the process.

POLL: Do you use pads or tampons?

I know this is a gross question, but I am like soo bored. /: I use pads, tampons look so painful! Dx

How do I discipline my Daughter who's lazy and doesn't give a crap about school?

I have a teenage daughter and all she likes to do is shop for designer clothes and lay around on the beach all day (we live in Miami Beach), or be at the gym, or out with friends partying. She hasn't been doing well in school at all, yet she's very beautiful and very popular. I regret giving her the Mercedes for her last birthday. She doesn't have motivation to study and focus on academics. She doesn't want to have a job. She doesn't care about college. She is simply lazy. She says she's not interested in anything unless its modeling or something glamorous. I told her that's not reliable and she needs to set a goal and needs an education. Then she said her goal was to marry a Billionaire and be taken care of. What do I do about this girl? Her mother just spoils her, I have too, but now that's she's almost 17 I'm getting worried about her future, and I'm afraid she won't even graduate high-school on time!

What shall I follow? Their want or mine? Complicated.. pls read..?

You shouldn't spend your life trying to make them happy, it's just not right. When you think about it they aren't you and by trying to please them you aren't being yourself either. You only have one life, shouldn't you make the most of it?

How should i ask for pads and tampons?

so i got my period 2 months ago and my 3rd period is coming up. and my mom still hasnt bought me anything she gave me a box of always dri-liners and 3 pads when i got my first period. i used tthose t3 pads and i have to take pads from my moms bathroom now and im getting tired of it i need my own things. but i dont know wat to say im really shy and not close with my mom cuz she gets weird about tht stuff. how should i ask her?? what should i say?? maybe when i go to the store wat should i say when i get by the aisle?? plz help im rilly mad im so shy and cant gather enough courage to ask

How do you know when you have OCD?

I kind of thing I might have a mild case of OCD, but I'm not sure. I constantly have to redo things if i don't do them exactly how I picture them in my mind. If I touch or grab something the wrong way I have to go back and touch it how I wanted to. Whenever I touch a light switch or the mouse pad on a laptop or several other things, wrong I have to go back and touch every part of it or I freak out. I try to ignore the urge, but sometimes i can't because it drives me crazy. Does anyone know how to tell if I have OCD, or is it just something weird about me?

Why is dubai so dead?

So I live in London UK and I'm here on holiday, expecting this very glamorous, busy and lively city. The highway is dead, virtually a ghost town, there aren't many cars, I haven't seen a train on the Dubai metro yet (I'm assuming it's working?) and where the hell are the people? I've only been here for 3 days, where is every one?

Guys: Please help, im curious about something !?

What do you like in a girl? Be honest, & detailed! What things about a girl catch your attention? Do you like them to be "hot" or do you prefer "cute'? Kinky, or sweet? Always prim and perfect or loose and carefree? Everything and anythingg! Ohh, and : Graceful or clumsy? Mysterious or open? Wild and crazy or cool and collected? Super smart or ditzy? Natural or glamorous? Sweet & sensitive or hardcore and doesnt show much emotion? Pleeeasseeee hellp a sistaaaa outttttt :) hahhaha

Some keys on my keyboard won't work, help!!?

It was all working fine but then some keys stopped working, there's the "z", num pad's 0, FN key, the arrows keys and "/", can anyone help? It is a laptop.

Teenage tea party ideas?

Cool, some activities might be, decorating parasols, sampling perfumes from beautiful atomizers, a game of croquet....

Do you think I'm an Ok writer?

You've got the ability to write amazing paragraphs, but that doesn't mean you're all that perfect. If you can do this kind of quality for 140 pages, then you are a good writer. Still don't mean you'll get published.

Glamping on pretty little liars?

Hi, my friend wants to have a "glamping" party like mona did on Pretty Little Liars but not as like glamourous/expensive. Is there a way she could do it cheaper and not as big? Thanks!

Is this to long of a period?

I got my 1st period about 6 weeks ago and the first one was heavy and lasted 2 weeks (heavily). My second one came 2 weeks later and lasted 2 weeks and was heavy. Now 1 month later, I am on my third period and I'm soaking 5-6 pads in 6-7 hours. Is mine to long and too heavy?

Is having dreams bad or good? and whats your dream(s)?

You're wrong. Dreams are more than good, they're great. Not everyone has dreams you know. So yes, dreaming to be someone important in the future in one way or the other is good. BUT, the reality is just dreaming won't be the only thing to do it, you have to work hard to get what you want. That's life! But you can be anything you want if you put your mind to it. FACT! As for me, not too sure, but something big.

What's wronge with my dog?!?

Please find someone to drive you (an adult neighbor or friend) to a 24/7 Animal Hospital. She could have a bulging or ruptured disk, which is very serious, and seriously painful. Don't twist or pick her up without completely supporting her spine. Good luck!

Short question on my period, help wanted?

well im irregular on my period anyway (not pregnant impossible) anyway.... i have comme on this month but i havent, not much goes on my pad but when i wipe theres loads of blood? is this just before your period comes?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is it possible for a female to join Special Ops?

I just heard that there are females that are now in combat in Special Ops, is this occupation open for all females now?

What do celebraties do when theyre on there period?

as for actors.. like do they still act? do they have other people go and get them pads and or tampons? or do they go to the store and get them on there own? would it be like awkward for them or something? im just wondering..

How can i make my boobs look bigger without surgery?

okay so ive done the padding and everything im a b and i want to enhance them to look bigger without surgical preferences so any tricks to make boobs look bigger ..thank you

How can i hide my period stuff at school??? (GIRLS!!)?

Ok so at my school i have a backpack and everything but we arent allowed to go to our lockers in between classes... How can i hide my tampons and pads without anyone noticing???? I cant take a purse with me to the bathroom because tht would look weird... Any ideas??

Was I molested or raped?

it may sound a little paranoid but it's really eats me out in these days,the last time I stayed at my friend's home,the next day my private areas were a bit burning and something like skin chaffing,I was in my menstrual period I'm used to use menstrual pads in this period,I didn't drink alcohol or something,could I have been passed out and raped?or is it about my menstrual pads,any ideas?

Horseback Riding Help?

I'm going to go to this horseback riding place in Skokie (my friend didn't know what the name was -.- ), and we're only going to buy a horse and equipment (including helmet, padding and all that), but no instructor. We're gonna be taught by my friends mom, who raised horses and rode them, both wild and tamed. I feel kind of nervous at this, even though she seems experienced. So, are there any basic tips I should know about horseback riding before I go? Like, what to do and not do in front of the horse, and how to stay safe when I'm with it, and all the essentials that I should know. Thank you!

How to get over this embarrassing moment?

i am 12 years old and Yesterday the people across the street from my house had a yard sale. I had on a short skirt and really tight underwear. It was the 3rd day of my period so i was wearing a pad. I went over to a big counter of stuff. And then i guess that the sides of my underwear snapped because it was on the ground. I didn't even notice, but other people did. A bunch of teenagers started laughing at me. I asked them what was so funny but they wouldn't tell me so i just ignored them. I noticed other people snickering at me and i couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then these two hot guys tapped my on the shoulder and told me to look at the ground. To my horror i saw polka-dotted underwear with a dirty pad, and there was blood running down my leg. I shreiked and started running towards my house when i realized i left the underwear, so i ran back and got it, my face bright red, and ran into my house. Totaly humiliating. A bunch of people who live on my street and who i see everyday were there! How do i get over this???

I had a period the 2nd week of June & 2 weeks later experienced more bleeding whats going on ??

I already have an appt for tues but still wondering whats going on?..I am 25..Im use 2 heavy periods with lots of clots & severe cramping..period lasting 4 about 7 days sometimes 8 days....i have had previous tests & cleared that everything is normal..but I had my normal period...heavy & all the 2nd week of June it ended & me & my fiance had intercourse... a week or 2 later i was just watching tv..& felt my vagina was wet(sorry if tmi)..i went 2 the bathroom & wiped it was a pinkish discharge..then brown day it stopped ..then on the 3rd day i peed & wiped it was pink discharge again later that day became a bright red with a small clot...but never enough 2 come onto a pad 4th day became a darker red & a little was on the pad...wiped it was still darker red throughout the day...5th day which carried ova til july 1st i peed & wiped it was gone..i'm convinced its not my period bc i'm use 2 a much heavier & longer period & if so 2 in one month ?..any thoughts? Also headaches & a lil abd pain...

Can any girl be classy & glamorous?

1. no girl can be that amazing 2. i dont care if tyou get mad but dont ever put yourself or others down 3. it takes three things to be like that a) snobby attitude b) girly girl c) alotta makeup.. why would you wont to be a follower instead of being yourself huh??? that was the point of being born to be your own peson did your family ever tell uyou that

I need help finding a bra online?

Well I'm a 34D but I googled it and a lot of people said fig leaves is a comfy bra designer? They're not super expensive and they have like every size, and next day delivery. (They have a UK and US site)

Why do people scrutinize me for wanting look nice?

Like we will be going to Village Inn (A resteruant) and my sister will be like "Their are no cute boys so i don't see why you are getting ready to go see frumpy waitresses and octagenarians." I then say because I like to look decent. I mean not like glamorous but at least do my hair, makeup and put on clean clothes! They act like I always do this too impress people! Does anyone else just get ready for yourself? To look good for you not for anyone else?

Does a government lawyer make a lot of money and is it a good occupation to have?

I am doing research on which type of lawyer is the highest in all the lawyers and I was wondering if a Government Attorney is the highest and makes huge amounts of cash. If not which type of attorney is the highest working and will be well known. Thank you

How can i get his attention?

so i work at a tim horton's (not the most glamorous job,i know) and there's this one customer that is really hot and i would really like to get to know him somehow. i am a fairly shy girl and i don't know how i can get his attention. the last couple times i served him,i had his coffee all ready for him by the time he got up to the counter,showing him that i remember his order. i believe one of the ladies i work with might know him because i think i remember her calling him 'adam'...but it's possible that it was a different customer cause that was a while ago,before i really started taking interest in this guy. what would you do in my situation? i don't know if he's single or how old he is (im guessing mid 20' 19 btw)..any advice helps! : ) thanks

Im going to the lake georgee water park and ammusement park on my period?

i don't wear tampons...and the only thing i do their is going on the water rides.........i dont wanna be left out...could i wear a period i very light.

I ordered a practice pad and it departed from Bloomington California, how long will it take to get to AL?

i got the Standard ground shipping, and it is the 2nd of july i ordered monday, and when should i get it

How do you change brake pads on a Honda Civic?

I've been changing brake pads for years but i've never come across anything like this. I took off the tire and I took the bolt off on the top of the caliper. The only problem is that the bottom bolt on the caliper is so stuck on there I can't take it off. When I go to to Turn it with the wrench it keeps turning very slowly and doesn't give me that loud screeching noise that assures you that the bolt is untighting. I am afraid of putting too much force on the bolt because I don't want to strip it. I took it to the dealership to get the previous brake pads removed (under warranty) and I have a feeling they may have tighting the bolt so tight it's striped inside of the caliper. What should I do to get the bolt out?

Please Help One day & 1/2??!!?

I'm sure he will be fine. Maybe leave out extra food, like an extra bowl in the kitchen or something (somewhere he is not usually fed) and if you have a large bucket for water instead of a bowl.

Survivors of holocaust are mainly from what occupation?

I survived the Holocaust as a teenager, and today i moderate Yahooé Remember_The_Holocaust, (Remember_The_Holocaust-subscribe@yahoog… I made the most of each day since i appreciate the joy of living, I was succesful as an economist working in Washington DC working for 6 US Presidential administration, I am also the person who initiate the idea i= of US presidential election debates, endorsed then by the first lady Eleanor Roosevelt and other notables.My proposal headlined US newspapers widely when I proposed the US presidential debates. if you go to wikipedia on the history of US presidential debates I am given credit for it, The Nixon Foundation , blog of the Nixon museum gives me also credit for being :the spark"that led to the debate between VP Nixon and Senator Keendy in l960. The archives of the U of Maryland where I was when I made the proposal also does record it. Further, an articlewas written about it on Huffington Post, by a writer Kate Kelly, See: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Convincing parents pads and bras.please read description!?

tell your parents that you eventually will grow up and not buying you bras and pads won't stop you being an older and mature teenager. your parents need too understand that buying bras and pads isn't what you want but what you need. your parents need to understand that this is reality and you won't stay as their little girl forever.

Considering Vet tech as career, easy 10 pts?

Veterinarian Technicians do not just sit behind the counter, they assist the vets in most procedures, even if they are not the ones directly operating on the animal. Vets need assistance in all operations, but some may not be so serious as to need a veterinary assistant. That is where it happens.

Does this seem too much like an info-dump?

No; you do a good job relating the information to actions and emotions. This excerpt was more engaging than anything I've read on Y!A for several months.

First Chapter Of My Story?

It's great! Only a few errors like how I think the paragraphs should be indented and in paragraph 6 sentence 4, I think it should be toe not two. But it is your first drafts so small mistakes like that are okay, besides what are editors for? Haha.

Can someone please tell me what to do? Thankkks(:?

When I'm on my period, I'm overly tired, but I can never got comfy to sleep! -I wear pads. -2nd time

True/False: If my contacts really cared about me they'd have a Gaga-intervention for me ASAP?

Is that a penis i see hanging out from your condom outfit? Damn I'm 'Speechless'. Its something 'You and I' have in common. Were you 'Born This Way'? It kinda looks a bit like a 'Telephone' receiver! I'm 'So Happy I Could Die', in fact I'm off to contact the 'Paparazzi'!

What do I do about my Daughter who's lazy and doesn't give a crap about school?

I have a teenage daughter and all she likes to do is shop for designer clothes and lay around on the beach all day (we live in Miami Beach), or be at the gym, or with friends partying. She hasn't been doing well in school at all, yet she's very pretty and very popular. She doesn't have motivation to study and focus on academics. She doesn't want to have a job. She doesn't care about college. She is simply lazy. She says she's not interested in anything unless its modeling or something glamorous. I told her that's not reliable and she needs to set a goal and needs an education. Then she said her goal was to marry a Billionaire and be taken care of forever! What do I do about this girl? I'm worried about her, and her mother just spoils her, I have too, but now that's she's almost 17 I'm getting worried about her future, and I'm afraid she won't even graduate high-school on time!

Stomach cramping bad?Help!?

Im 13 and on my period.Im bleefing very heavily(bleeding through 2 pads in 30 min)My stomach hurts so bad,what can i do to ease/stop it?(Ps cant go to store to get stuff to help)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Does this coat look glamorous or old ladyish?

I saw that coat and automatically thought "Cruella deVille". So old-ladyish. I don't care who you are, you don't want to go out in public in that coat.

I am trying to find a craft supplier for craft accessories, packaged like make-up.?

I saw a company a few years ago, that had the accessories packaged like make-up eg. ink pads that looked like eyeshadow palettes, glitter glue sticks that looked like mascaras. Does anyone know who this company is?

What do I do about my Daughter who's lazy and doesn't care about school?

I have a teenage daughter and all she likes to do is shop for designer clothes and lay around on the beach all day (we live in Miami Beach), or be at the gym, or with friends partying. She hasn't been doing well in school at all, yet she's very pretty and very popular. She doesn't have motivation to study and focus on academics. She doesn't want to have a job. She doesn't care about college. She is simply lazy. She says she's not interested in anything unless its modeling or something glamorous. I told her that's not reliable and she needs to set a goal and needs an education. Then she said her goal was to marry a Billionaire and be taken care of forever! What do I do about this girl? I'm worried about her, and her mother just spoils her, I have too, but now that's she's almost 17 I'm getting worried about her future, and I'm afraid she won't even graduate high-school on time!

Any agencies that deal with finding apprentice programs for people for an occupation in construction?

I am trying to get into construction but unfortunately do not have a lot of experience. I was told to go and try to find an apprentice program but I am having trouble finding one. Any place you guys know of that I can call that would help find one for me?

Guys which type of look do you prefer?

a beautiful natural looking woman like idk Halle Berry or a more glamorous sexy woman like Adrianna Lima?

Acid burns from mediplast wart remover?

So I had a group of five plantar warts on the side of my pinkie toe and it was so I bought a box of Mediplast wart removing pads and supposedly they burn away the warts. But lucky for me that wasn't the only thing it burned!! :/ I replaced the pad on my toe every day and now the warts are pretty much gone but so is 4 layers of my skin. It burns if anything even water touches it and it's very red and like raw meat. I hate it, and it makes taking the pad off even more painful. It's also beginning to spread and now half of my toe is 4 layers down on skin. What should I do?

What is a good front occupation for my character who has political connections but also is head of a drug ring?

The traditional one is something to do with shipping or exporting / importing goods. Difficult to find someone's drug shipment when it's mixed in with ten thousand other perfectly legal shipments.

Anyone agree : princess kate look scary skinny here ?

Yes she is scary skinny, I also thought her Engagement photo was to skinny too, Pressure is probably why she keeps losing it, I mean She is a princess and all. I agree she looks tired and makes her look older then she really is.

Tampons = HELP?!?!?!?

try a bit of moisturiser on the end, put one foot on the toilet seat and insert, if it is far enough in, it wont hurt, and they only leak if they need changing, change them often, and if far enough in they are not uncomfortable

Can any girl become chic & classy?

Yes, of course any girl can become chic & classy! Try shopping in online stores such as eBay and Etsy for amazing clothes for an amazing price :)

What stores are good for me?

I have dark brown hair and chocolate eyes (that are big!). I like things that are trendy and glamorous. I like things short but not too short. Showy but not skanky. Fashion icons are: Blake Lively, Eva Longoria, Leighton Meester, Kim Kardashian. Help please! And give me real stores, not just online places like eBay. Also, I like all colors. I'm not goth, emo, or a girly girl. I'm like a mixture of every style out there!

What are the names of these old PC games?

The first one is called Zoombinies....I'm not sure if there's an "e" in it or not. I'm not sure about the second one.

I dont like my last name , i want to know what will go with the name : Amber?

i want to be a fashion designer . the lasted name that i have now , doesn't sound like a "fashion designer" name . so i want a new last name , i was planning on changing my lasted name any ways so . why not change it into some " classy " or "glamorous". something that has a beautiful ring to it . A name that if you here it you wont be able to forget it . Of course my work that i put out will help make shore my name is never forgotten , but i want my name to be as unique and special as my work .

What would make my car idle a bit to high when im at a complete stop?

I have a 1996 mazda protege its it great shape inside and out, and it only has 94,000 something miles. There are a few things i need to replace on it such as brake pads, new shocks, i would like to change out the spark plugs and transmission fluid. Now it idles a little high when im at a complete stop. What would cause this and is it pricey to go get repaired? Also like i said i need new brake pads when i go to slow down my car will shake a little, slightly no one else can really feel it but i can since i am driving it! Could that be due to brakes?

Tmi- 3 hour cramps after orgasm!?

Hi guys, sorry this is a less than glamorous topic but is new and unusual for me. Me and bf had sex yesterday. Today I had 3 orgasms and right after till now (2 hours later) it feels tender around abdomen, I would expect this If I was due on v soon but getting it now over a week before period is due? Am I broken ?!

What is it like being a Health Care Specialist?

I am interested in taking up this career and I want to know from personal experience what this job is like, the schedule, what you do daily, the chances of going into combat (I'm a female), what occupations I can get after I retire, what is my training, how "durable" do I need to be, and what are some classes I should take in high school to prepare myself. Anything will help tho. Any advice too. Thank you(:

Why won't my taurus fully brake?

I have a 96 ford taurus, and recently having problems with the brakes. I would push the brakes, and I could hear air coming out, so I changed the pads up front, and still. I changed the master cylinder and the booster, which were messed up, and it helped, but very little. Bled all 4 sides, and the cylinder too, and still. I wonder, could it be the rear pads? Or, whatever they are called, I know up front they are pads, the rear ones, not sure what they are called, but I didn't change those rear ones. So, I really need help here, because if it is just that, then ok, I have the rear ones and have someone who can install them. But if it is not that, what could it be?

TMI- Cramp and tenderness after orgasn?

Hi guys, sorry this is a less than glamorous topic but is new and unusual for me. Me and bf had sex yesterday. Today I had 3 orgasms and right after till now (2 hours later) it feels tender around abdomen, I would expect this If I was due on v soon but getting it now over a week before period is due? Am I broken ?!

Would a general brake failure cause the tail lights on my '97 Ram to remain on?

I discovered on my way into town today that I have a brake pad that is worn out and is beginning to hang up after the brakes are released. Just prior to the warning signal about the brakes, my mother-in-law told me that my brake lights were on when I stopped at her house and got out of the truck. Are the two events connected, or do I have a bad brake pad and a bad brake light plunger that both happened to fail at the same time?

Non-deployable mos in the USMC?

I know that there are technically no non-deployable military occupations in any branch of the military (other than recuiters), but which mos are least likely to be sent overseas. I am thinking about joining the marines and I was just wondering.

Embarrassing period stories?

I got my first period while I was on vacation with my best friend, Ireland, and her family. And Ireland has a very, very hot older brother, Matt. One day, Ireland's mom and dad go out to supper by themselves so me and Ireland and Matt go out just driving around the city (Chicago). I was wearing light colored jeans and a sweatshirt and so was Ireland. We stop somewhere to eat and me and Ireland get out of the car and start into the restaurant when Matt comes up behind me and says, There's stuff all over your butt. I feel the back of my jeans and they're super wet. So me and Ireland run into the bathroom, and I pull down my pants and there's blood everywhere!! I freak out and start crying because of how embarrassed I am. Me and Ireland go back out to her brother, and Ireland whispers to him that I started my period. He blushes deep deep red but shrugs out of his jacket gives it to me to tie around my waist. Then we had to ride to the nearest walmart, where I had to buy a new pair of pants and pads and tsmpons. Anyone else? :)

Recommend any shows like Secret Diary of a Call Girl?

I finished all the seasons of this show and I really enjoy it. It's light and carefree and glamorous. This show is a bit like Sex and the City, so any shows like that are good. I'm just looking for a girly show, plot doesn't have to be genious. Any pretty or glamorous and I really like how this show is clever at times. Secret Diary of a Call Girl is a british show but I can do with any type of show.

Job question. Document servers?

In the movie Pineapple Express, the main character served legal documents to people from court. What is this occupation called? Is it registered process servers? Could you provide more information on this topic, maybe some links too? Also, how would I go about obtaining a job like this? I don't even know where to start.

My dog gets angry when I shout?

I have a small Maltese female puppy who is VERY fond of peeing and pooping on carpets ONLY. She sometimes pees on her pads.. and if not, its on the carpets. So we do not allow her to go outside to the living room. However, there is no kind of baby gates put up yet.. So whenever she does it, and I shout or like raise my voice to with a firm NO, she just roars and growls at me.. It actually scares me, even though she's so tiny. I've had bad experiences with aggressive animals, so I dont know what to do!

Is working out while watching tv less effective?

Is it better to, for example, run 3 miles on a trail or on a treadmill while watching tv? Does the mental occupation of a tv show or movie make the physical work not as effective (because the body isn't thinking about the physical work)?

Im a myself or im a wanna/fake person?

No sweetie, your not fake at all. The things that make a person "fake" are if they change their personality for someone else. Things just call to a person for different reasons. Maybe you like fashion so much because it's a way to bring an artistic style into everyday life (I'm just guessing on that, I have no idea why fashion peaks your interest) but just because you come from a middle class family doesn't mean you can't enjoy expensive tastes. If fashion and glamor make you happy, then that's wonderful.. go pursue something that deals with what interests you most. Only you truly know who you are. :)

How can i get his attention?

so i work at a tim horton's (not the most glamorous job,i know) and there's this one customer that is really hot and i would really like to get to know him somehow. i am a fairly shy girl and i don't know how i can get his attention. the last couple times i served him,i had his coffee all ready for him by the time he got up to the counter,showing him that i remember his order. i believe one of the ladies i work with might know him because i think i remember her calling him 'adam'...but it's possible that it was a different customer cause that was a while ago,before i really started taking interest in this guy. what would you do in my situation? i don't know if he's single or how old he is (im guessing mid 20' 19 btw)..any advice helps! : ) thanks

2 days light pink only when wiped?

I answered another question about spotting, which you also commented on about waiting for an answer to this question. I have to leave now and can't answer this one, but you could refer to what I told the other person and/or message me to remind me to come back to yours.

What's a job title that could be a fancier name for a smoothie maker?

Beau parler creator ( smoothie in french is apparently beau parler and creator sounds smarter than maker) hope this helped

Diva and Divo???? please help!?

Divo is the male counterpart of diva, however, the term of metro-sexual can also be used to describe straight men who always take care to be stylish and well-groomed. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise can be consider as metro-sexual or divo.

Bleeding and cramping in early pregnancy!?

I just recently found out I was pregnant. I do not know how far along I am as my appointment is not until the 11th but I had brown discharge for three days with a little cramping and now I have red blood with cramping. It is not heavy like my period but it is a little more than spotting. I called my doctor and she said if I am not going through more than two pads an hour or having extreme pain it should be normal. Any suggestions?

Tampon or Pad for a Swimmer?

Okay, so I'm on 2 swim teams and I swim every day except for sunday. Im nervous that when I do get my period that using a tampon in the water will feel weird. Should I use a tampon???? Does it still absorb in water???? And ladies, which kind of tampon is best for a almost 13y/o(in december)??

Should I buy a new laptop?

I'm going to online school next year so I will need a computer. My laptop is 2 years old, and to replace everything that needs fixed it will be about $200. The new laptop I would buy is $500. Theres nothing "majorly" wrong with my laptop, other than the touch pad is broken, and the battery is shot. I used to have limewire and frostwire on my computer, so i'm a little afraid my laptop has a virus. Should I replace my laptop?

A girl should be two things:classy & fabolous?

Millie,it's like dont pretend to be smthng wat u are'nt....stay d way u are...d family class does not matter...ur thinking ur nature nd ur character makes u classy nd fab ! So stay simple..stay beautiful ! :-)

Bleeding and cramping during very early pregnancy!?

I just recently found out I was pregnant. I do not know how far along I am as my appointment is not until the 11th but I had brown discharge for three days with a little cramping and now I have red blood with cramping. It is not heavy like my period but it is a little more than spotting. I called my doctor and she said if I am not going through more than two pads an hour or having extreme pain it should be normal. Any suggestions?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Separation of Korea...?

The split was caused by the USSR occupying the north after forcing Japan out while the USA sponsored RoK held the south

Can I get hired at a very expensive five star Restaurant with no experience?

I don't have any experience being a Waiter. But I'm in university and want a job and I really want something more upscale and glamourous. I'm good looking, and I heard such places like good looking Waiters. So can I get hired at a top five-star restaurant in Los Angeles with no experience?

What are the main occupations/jobs in France?

i am having to do a report on France and i cant find what the main occupations are. i need at least 7 or 8. thank for your help ( to whoever helps me..i guess)

GIRLS ONLY! Please click I need ur help!?

So this is my third period and I'm in turkey and It's super hot and I can't swim! The blood is so super heavy it's the fourth day and I have to use 2 super thick pads a day so I wont leak! I can't use a tampon my parents say I'll lose my virginity then! I took a shower and suddenly 1 minute later everything was ieuwie again! My first one lasted 10/11 days, second 6 how long will this one last it was 4 days of extreme bleeding! And It's so hot here and the only activity here to do is swimming:'( PLEASE HELP THANKS SO MUCH I'M 13

HELP ! How do you put in a tampon?

I'm 15 years old and i got my period in November ( i know really late) . Each month i have been using pads. I don't mind them at night. But during the day they are annoying, and feel gross, and are messy with my legs so i can't wear shorts. I love swimming and i'm an active swimmer. I want to learn how to use a tampon. But my mother won't let me, I stole a couple from my friends house. I want to learn how to use it, I know where it goes. But i don't know where to start How do you put it in the vagina? Does the plastic applicator go in too? How does it feel? Is it good for swimming? Can you bleed through on a heavy flow day? Does it ruin bathing suits? Thanks guys. I sound stupid but I need help.

LAPD Appeal Denied - What now?

I have a question regarding what happens after the review panel has seen an appeal and denies it. Let me give some insight as how I got to this point. I have been going through the hiring process with LA City since Dec 09, experiencing various delays along the way but I remained dedicated to the process. I have been successful throughout the entire process up until my psych interview when it was determined that I neglected to mention a previous work injury (approx 10 years ago) during my medical evaluation. My medical appointment was before I even had a sit down meeting with my BI, so from a medical standpoint I don't even think of this injury simply because it has been non issue for almost 9 years. When I met with my BI I did disclose the work injury to account for time out of work and workers comp payments received. The Background department checked into the injury and my claim against my previous employer and deemed it to be legitimet and cleared me from the background process. My medical exam went flawlessly, they would have never known I had the injury if I didn't mention it; I passed all aspects of their testing components. As a result, I appealed this decision to remove me from the process; they based their initial decision on a concern of my integrity. With my appeal I submitted approx 13 letters of recommendation / referrence from friends in various occupations ranging from police officers to doctors and city attorneys - there was even one from the Govenor's office. My oversight of mentioning this work injury during my medical process was not an intention to decieve in any way, it just is something that is far from my mind - medically speaking. Perhaps if I had the interview with my BI first it would have been more in the front of my mind since I disclosed it to them. Ok, here's my question - if the appeal was denied how do you keep fighting? I'm a firm believer that if something is worth having it is absolutely worth fighting for. I'm fighting for my career and a better life for my family so I have every incentive to push as much as I can. The interesting part about this is the background department is on my side, they believe this to be a technicality that medical services decided to blow up unnecessarily. I'm willing to do whatever, write to whoever, I just need some advise and direction. Any help anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and help.

Would you say Lady Capulet in Romeo and Juliet is glamorous or spoiled?

I need to describe her personality and it comes off as she would be like glamorous and have an attitude?? helppp

Given the choice, which celebrity would you like to be like?

I would like to be a combination of many. I would like to be as intelligent and successful as Bill Gates, as beautiful as Catherine Zeta Jones, as glamorous as the Kardashians, as rich as... well I don't know just rich....I would give a lot to charity though.

Is Pink quite possible the pop artist of the decade?

Decade meaning 2000-2010. She makes her own kind of music. Doesn't follow trend. Never hear of her getting bad media for anything. Good role model for women who aren't flamboyant or glamorous. She does it her own way and has been consistent over the years. Just an idea...

If Inner Mongolia were successful in ending the Chinese occupation, should it become an independent country?

I would think this would be a question the people of these two places would decide. From the outside it would appear the two rejoining would be the best economical move and best security move.

How much might Life Insurance cost for me?

28 yrs. old, 6'0" 295 lbs., non-smoker, no medications, WI resident, no dangerous hobbies, safe occupation (low pay), college graduate.

Can you be fundamentally agents Israel without being anti-semitism?

Is is posable to believe that Israel is a illegal and morally wrong occupation, without being anti-semitism?

How could I make a living doing this?

I am an extensive interest in extraterrestrial studies, a little in the paranormal and I am an avid writer. I was thinking perhaps I could write for the newspaper or something, or possibly having a radio show or something. What do you guys think? What are all the occupations you can think of that I could incorporate these three things into? As I am an not the most eloquent with speaking, the radio show might not be that great. I could also be a metaphysical teacher maybe? I don't know. Bring me your ideas!!! Please. :)

How can my puppy pee outside during nighttime?

my puppy was pad trained before i got her so im training her to go outside. during the day i walk her almost every hour and she pees in the same spot. but at night do i need to wake myself up and take her every hour at night? or should i just leave a pad down at night because shes really good with the pad. thanks!

Dog Vomiting and Loss of appetite?

She might just have a stomach ache and doesn't feel good. Sometimes when my dog doesn't feel good she vomits and won't eat anything for a few days. Luna might just have a really sensative stomach.

What do you think of David and Victoria Beckham. Taurus and Aries relationship?

That us a good match just like Pisces and Aries. Lets face it. the signs are 60 degrees apart and each share some of the same trait. Aries wants to get her way to begin with and secondly, Taurus loves a woman who is delicate, effiminate and what better to choose Victoria who has all those attributes. Plus, she is go-getter, able to initiate projects and succeeding at them. As for Beckham, he has a lot going for him and this challenges Victoria all the time because he is succeeding without her and vice-versa. Each has their own thing and this adds spice to their relationships.

Could i be pregnant? implantation bleeding? what ?

I already have a dr appt scheduled for tues.but need thoughts...ok..I usually have irregular periods..heavy w/ lots of clots...lasts for 7 sometimes 8 days..soo 2nd wk of June i had my period last for 7 days heavy & all with clots & cramps..sometimes pressure in my bottom..(which i hve had test ran all say normal) ended me & my fiance had intercourse..a wk later i felt my vagina was wet(sorry if tmi) i went 2 the bathroom & wiped it was a pink discharge later that night it was brown discharge..the next day it was gone..had sex again..later that day pinkish discharge again in a clear discharge..later it became bright red with a small clot.i wore a pad but wasnt enuff 2 come onto it.4th day it was a lil on the pad still bright red.5th day which was july 1 bck 2 pinkish discharge... 2day jul 2nd nothing..i'm convinced it wasnt a period..bc wasnt my normal heavy period...& if so 2 periods in 1 mo ???? .other symptoms was headaches & mild abdominal pain...anyone have any thoughts on whats going on ?????

What could i do with these degrees?

You'll want to look for some kind of major in Field Biology, Ecology or Botany and you'll likely need a graduate degree in order to do that for a career. Most field biologists end up with PhD's and doing research for universities. Good luck.

I was a normal child till about 10 years old when i was in junior school but when n entered senior school stu?

students started bullying me. teachers started insulting humiliating me giving me severe punishments like sitting on the dustbin telling people in the class not to sit with me..kneeling down keeping my head near their feet...telling me go sit in the toilet...often resulting in the class laughing at me making mockery of this day i suffer from nightmares and make matters worse i failed in class 10 and wasted 1 when joined a new school it was really difficult 4 me to bear those things again..and within my family there has been a heredity problem of dark circles under eyes..people used to find me hideous and i was often considered the odd one out even when there was no fault of mine.add to the problem of dark circles is the fact the i am 23 and i dont grow a beard and i look malnutritioned and weigh 60 kgs height is 5 ' 11..but there were worse things in store for me.after school i entered college i had no idea what i was getting was an extremely glamorous college with no places for ugly nerds like college also i was constantly bullied by people who were rich looked better than me...and teachers looked at me with disgust..teachers specifically pointed me out during the whole of my 3 year course for all the wrong reasons..all of them ignored me if i went to them with any query..Girls looked me at me even worse than they would look at their dog with utter disgust and pity..i still cant make eye contact with any girl let alone have a gf...whenever i look at girls my head goes down at their feet..i get paranoid anxious my hands start to sweat..numerous times all these years i have cried almost every night and asked god why he gave me this sorry life especially when i see people around me enjoying life having having gf bf...roaming hurts me to the core that i keep having nightmares that people are cursing me all the time ..then i went into job hoping that things would change but they didnt i went through similar times in my after 2 years of completing my grad..i have got admission to mba course but i fear that this sorry life of mine would start all over again...since last year i have sat at home and have not had a social life ever coz i fear what people keep saying to me..i am finished from inside and have no desire or hope to live life ..thoughts of suicide come to mind but then i remember my parents how they would feel..i have explained my situation to them a couple of times.but they r helpless coz they have got no biggest inferiority compleax on this day is coz of my dark circles dont have a beard and being underweight....i have terrible eyesight wear glasses of 4 number......please there anything left for me to suffer more..

Anyone with a salt water above ground pool having problems with the program key pad?

I can turn the pump on but I'm having a problem with the touch pad that allows me to control the time of the sanitation cycle. Sometimes it will allow me to program the run cycle and sometimes it won't even beep that I've pushed the button at all. Any body know how to fix this? The pool is three years old, just past warranty (naturally) and a new pump will cost me nearly as much as the whole pool and salt water pump did originally. Any ideas....besides using a hammer on it?

What career should I pursue?

So basically I don't know what to do with my life. I know I want to make a lot of money. I want a job where you can be promoted or move up. I want a job that can be glamourous whether they have awards given out or it is just generally a glam job. I want a job where I can make a difference in other's lives but not the medical field cause I can't handle blood. I want a job that involves math because that is one subject I really enjoy. I also love children and wouldn't mind working with them. I also love food, travel and am facsinated by the supernatural. Basically I want to do everything. I want experiance everything life has to offer. I was thinking maybe of being a news reporter or a weather girl. Although a won a nationwide contest for news reporting, I'm leaning towards the weather girl because I know it deals with statistics and I love math. ugh I just don't know, Help!

Why do some graduate school applications ask for parents' names and their occupations?

Any particular reason? Criminal background check maybe? It seems like an optional component, so I hope it's ok to just skip that part.

Does a coroner make more money (per hour) than a Medical Examiner?

I know they are often confused and that there are vast differences and similarities in the occupations but, I would like to know which job makes more money per hour.

Are all these people for worldwide U.S. military occupation in a trance?

many people are not .. and even Congress is starting to grow some balls about confronting the dictator-like actions of the Obama administration .. i personally realize the 'wars' in the middle east and north africa are part of a larger agenda of international bankers that want to control a large portion of the world centrally .. theyre using the US as 'their' enforcement arm and Obama belongs to them .. definitely not the people of the US .. the people of the US are lied to and deceived about the real agendas, most people genuinely think a cave dwelling terrorist is ready to mow their family down at a mall ... its ridiculous the amount of fear most Americans have been sold ..

Could i be pregnant? implantation bleeding? what ?

I already have a dr appt scheduled for tues.but need thoughts...ok..I usually have irregular periods..heavy w/ lots of clots...lasts for 7 sometimes 8 days..soo 2nd wk of June i had my period last for 7 days heavy & all with clots & cramps..sometimes pressure in my bottom..(which i hve had test ran all say normal) ended me & my fiance had intercourse..a wk later i felt my vagina was wet(sorry if tmi) i went 2 the bathroom & wiped it was a pink discharge later that night it was brown discharge..the next day it was gone..had sex again..later that day pinkish discharge again in a clear discharge..later it became bright red with a small clot.i wore a pad but wasnt enuff 2 come onto it.4th day it was a lil on the pad still bright red.5th day which was july 1 bck 2 pinkish discharge... 2day jul 2nd nothing..i'm convinced it wasnt a period..bc wasnt my normal heavy period...& if so 2 periods in 1 mo ???? .other symptoms was headaches & mild abdominal pain...anyone have any thoughts on whats going on ?????

Can ANYGIRL become classy and glamorous?

I'm sure their is alot of celebrities that are like that they were never classy and BOOM! Someone seen them and turned um classy! hey if it's you then it's you dnt let people judge you for who you are you do what you want and what is right girl! I dnt think you would be a wanna be make your own style! If it's you then just be you!

What universities would I be able to get into?

You won't get into an Ivy-league school or MIT with only a 3.6, but that should get you into most good state universities or a good private school.

18th birthday party ideas?

Its my 18th birthday soon and I want to have a theme party. Thing is, I don't want it to be one of those fancy dress parties where people come in silly costumes - I want it to be more grown up and glamorous, but still good fun, a sort decadent fun, if that makes sense. I had the idea of Saints And Sinners, where everyone comes in glamorous smart casual stuff, but any other ideas would be good. Thanks!

FAFSA application help?

Having an illness and being on disability is not the same as being a dislocated worker. So you would answer no to the question.

Do short acrylic nails look glamourous?

Would you say that acrylic nails are outdated? Lately its been all about painting your own nails. My friend and I were discussing this. A french manicure can look very clean,crisp, and pretty on short acrylic nails as long as they are not too long and thick. I have worn acrylics only 3 times in my life. They are nice but they left my natural nails kind of thin afterwards. Now i just paint them myself. What are your opinions? =)

How stressful is it to be a tax attorney?

It's commonly said that lawyers have one of the highest stress rates among occupations, but how stressful is a tax attorney's job?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

When Obama is Firmly Booted Out in 2012, what business or occupation should he go into?

making license plates since Big Rod is cutting a deal and the next house 0bama lives in could be the big house, either that or a golf pro in Kenya

Need help deciding on a name for my character?

The character is a high school senior and frankly, she's pretty ordinary so I don't want to pick a name that sounds really unique or glamourous. This makes it a little hard because, looking at my name list, I have like NO plain, ordinary names on it. I don't want it to be something common like Rebecca or Emily, but, agan, nothing to differant either. And one thing I really don't want is a name that sounds really sweet and girly because she's a very strong person and I want a really strong-sounding name, not something dainty and flowery. And no boys names for girls please.

Sears and Reobuck saddle?

I am redoing an old Sears saddle and cant remember if it came with sheepskin or Indian blanket pad. I had sheepskin put on in the 70s but it seems like it had Indian blanket when I ordered it.

HEEELP!!!!!!!!!! What are my chances of getting into Duke University?Will I also be eligible for scholarships?

I used this site to search and compare different scholarships and got money to pay my college -

Any Suggestion Would Really Be Appreciated....!!!?

My boyfriends father was caulking the cracks in the backyard and my one year old boxer stepped in it while still wet. (please do not patronize me as I was not there at the time). I do not know how to get it off without tearing the skin? I tried rubbing alcohol which removed most of it off of her pad, using water after to try to get some more off. I tried a bit of canola oil bit it is extremely difficult to keep her still so it can soak in. I have stopped trying as of now as I noticed a bit of blood seeping from the roots of her hair. Any suggestions would be wonderful! It is very stuck in the crevices of her paw and has completely adhered to her fur.

Why is weakness equated with "feminine charm"?

Men like to think of themselves as heroes; therefore, they infantilize their ideal women as defeneseless so that they CAN be heroes.

Is Pink quite possible the pop artist of the decade?

Decade meaning 2000-2010. She makes her own kind of music. Doesn't follow trend. Never hear of her getting bad media for anything. Good role model for women who aren't flamboyant or glamorous. She does it her own way and has been consistent over the years. Just an idea...

What is state sponsership ?

State sponsorship simply means that you are sponsored by the state (usually government of a country), be that be Australia or Bangladesh. Do a google search if you are not satisfied with my answer. You need to improve your writing to make clear what you are trying to state.

Fish smell down there D: Embarrassing and another question too?

Well, it's not suppossed to smell good when you're on your period:) I use a spray and put it on the pad and the outisde of my vagina to help mask the smell. And YES YES YES you NEED to shower when you're on your period! If you don't, that means you are letting dry blood sit there on your vagina, and that is very gross. Just stand with your feet wide apart in the shower and you should be fine. If you get a fishy smell when you're NOT on your period, it's probably an infection.

Why are so many Americans to fast to judge the occupation in Afghanistan?

Ten years is a long period of time. Also Laden has been killed. The mission has been accomplished. U.S. needs another strategy to anti-terrorism. Stating in Afghan can only harm U.S. economy. In fact, U.S. has wasted too much money in Afghan If that amount of money are using to recover the U.S. economy, the economy would have been recovered for a long long time.

How should I pursue him?

He knows where you work, and if he's interested in seeing you, he can go grocery shopping any time. If he stops to talk to you, hand him your business card, and say, "Here's my card in case you need any flowers in the future."

Can I get hired at a very expensive five star Restaurant with no experience?

I don't have any experience being a Waiter. But I'm in university and want a job and I really want something more upscale and glamourous. I'm good looking, and I heard such places like good looking Waiters. So can I get hired at a top five-star restaurant in Los Angeles with no experience?

What should i use as a facial moisturizer?

my skin has been breaking out lately and it's really dry and irritated and i have little scabs from pimples and they won't heal. i have been putting polysporin on them and also vaseline to moisturize the little spots but what could i use as a moisturizer for my whole face? first i cleanse with glycerin soap and i have a no name brand of the clean and clear dual action moisturizer and its medicated but it makes my skin feel dry and tight and irritated. I have been using clinique clarifying lotion (2) or clearasil daily cleansing pads but all of these things irritate my skin. What can i do for this? i have lubriderm for sensitive skin can i use this on my face? i need some help please!!

How many synonyms do you have?

Your observations are mostly correct but a learner could use only one of the possible words and still be understood. Most English speakers do not know, nor care to know, the entire contents of a dictionary. A new learner doesn't need to say kindly provide some culinary masterpiece to delight my palette when he can just point to his mouth and say food or hungry. Learning of a language is a lifetime proposition.

Ttc... Am i finally pregnant?

So my period has become irregular. I didnt have one from march til may. My lmp was may 25. According to mymonthly cycles which i have been using for over a year said my period was due july 1. But because of my recent irregularities my cycle went from 32 days to 38 days. Pink pad on my fone has only been used since january. And according to it i was due june 22. So either way im either a day late or 11 days late. I've had cramping, brown spotting after sex tuesday, horrible vaginal cramps during sex thursday and sore/tender breasts. We have been trying to conceive. Having sex at least once a day. What do u think? Test or wait?

HELP!What was the cause and purpose of this military action and how did geography factor into this occupation?

in 1922 france sent troops to occupy the ruhr valley in germany. what was the cause and purpose of this military action and how did geography factor into this occupation?

Where can i get a new liner for my american m1 helmet shell?

i want to be able to wear it comfortably. i need it to be as cheep as possible, the helmet is a swivel bale m1 i got from a friend. its got a small dent in the top and i wanted to be able to wear it. it has a heat temperature stamp on the inside. it seems to be a world war two era one. still sturdy and only has a tiny amount of rust. and still has some of its origional paint. all i have unfortunately is the helmet shell. the metal part. its incredibly difficult to wear without padding for my head. lol. does the liner just attach on the inside or do you have to "install" it?

Best places for young married couples?

I have lived in North, Central, and South Florida and I think Orlando or Ft. Lauderdale are good places to consider. Lots to do and if you won't be living near family I would live near an airport so it is easy for them to visit you and you visit them. The sports majors are big in south FL so it would probably be really competitive for a job unless you have connections. But on the other-hand more sports teams in south FL than in central FL!

Need to look glamourous and make myself look better - need time and money and serious help!!! Please!!?

well the fastest way is to decrease your carb grams BUT raise your protein intake at the same time ,this will then lower your stored sugar (glycogen) and when THAT is down enough your body will have to use an alternative energy source so it will choose your storage fat IF you keep the protein HIGH every day ,a really good way to monitor fat loss is with a belt on a pair of jeans as the more fat you lose then the belt will have to be pulled in tighter ,the excess inches / fat weight will drop each and every week...