Thursday, August 11, 2011

I am addicted to cocaine and don't know what to do?

I tried it two years ago.... Then did it maybe once every few months socially then moved out on my own with a roommate and started doing it on weekends then more and more and now I find myself spending hundreds a week on it. Im not even religious and i prayed for hours to find a way to quit and 2 days later i bought half a gram. Worst thing is that it's so easily available to me with about 5 dealers in my area. I find myself doing it daily and the worst part about coke is that it's a psychological addiction on top of addiction to the euphoria. I'm scared and truley want to be done with it. I am however too scared to go to family vecause it would kill them inside because i was raised souch better than this. I already know that eventually people overdose and can be fatal but please don't remind me of this because that only scares me more. I just need ideas besides rehab to quit. The idea of doing it and being like a celebrity or these models doing it make me want to do it more. I see them on tv and on magazines doing coke and then I go buy some and feel amazing. I am not even 21 yet. I know it's not too late to quit and get back on track but the idea of some glamourous lifestyle turned out to be a gross classless road to nowhere. I just need some ideas on how to motivate myself to quit.

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