Friday, August 5, 2011

What career should I pursue?

So basically I don't know what to do with my life. I know I want to make a lot of money. I want a job where you can be promoted or move up. I want a job that can be glamourous whether they have awards given out or it is just generally a glam job. I want a job where I can make a difference in other's lives but not the medical field cause I can't handle blood. I want a job that involves math because that is one subject I really enjoy. I also love children and wouldn't mind working with them. I also love food, travel and am facsinated by the supernatural. Basically I want to do everything. I want experiance everything life has to offer. I was thinking maybe of being a news reporter or a weather girl. Although a won a nationwide contest for news reporting, I'm leaning towards the weather girl because I know it deals with statistics and I love math. ugh I just don't know, Help!

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