Monday, August 8, 2011

I want your opinion :)?

Dont stress too much about it, let things flow as they are and something always comes along. If u dont like doing something then dont do it, however if u need to do something to move on as in higher up the ladder or to get somewhere then u must do it. To be honest getting a uni degree is just a formality in todays world, u can get a degree in accounting and still be considered on par with a person who has a degree in management for a management position in a company. It all comes down to experience and exposure and best way to do so is to dabble in many things, otherwise u will never really know if theres something out there that u may like. In terms of a fun job, it depends on what u like however try looking into interning for alcohol or beer companies, there line of work diverges into tasting, promotions, events , marketing and so on.

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