Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do I need to go to the hospital? Urgent please help?!?

I started my period today. My cramps are very bad... They have always been bad... I have passed out 3 times, Gotten headaches, nausea, fatigue and dizziness. There was something wrong with my mom's period so she had to have a Hysterectomy. There was also something wrong with her mom's period as well. My sister thinks there is something wrong with hers to... When I get cramps I get them in my legs to... Sometimes it hurts more on my right side... They get so bad that yes I have passed out. Today I spent the whole day in bed... I've begged my mom to take me to the ER several times but she won't do it. I have to take 3 or more Ibuprofen to get rid of my cramps... I'm 20, have had Thyroid problems, I've had an Ultrasound done, I've also had a Pelvic Exam done(They didn't find anything) I've also been put on Zovia and Levora birth control and they didn't help... I've tried taking a bath, the fetal position and a heating pad... Nothing works... I usually pass out before I get any relief...I am being put on the DEPO shot soon but idk if it will help... I also have type 1 Diabetes. 2 times when I passed out I was laying down. The last time I passed out was in front of my bedroom door... Everything just went White and I woke up a few hours later wondering what happened...My right side hurts right now... under my belly button also... I think that I might have Uterine Fibroids or Endomitriosis... I have symptoms of both... I have also lost just straight tissue as well. I have also never had sex so I KNOW I'm not pregnant so I can't be having a miscarriage either... So idk should I go to the hospital? If they get really bad again should I go to the ER and have a full body scan done or something? Should I have a more detailed Ultrasound done? I do also only have pain in my right side and leg and under my belly button right now... So what should I do? Please help... Serious answers please....Anything helps... Thanks...

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